DBZ Summary
Super Saiyanman/World Tournament


DBZ Episode List | Namek/Captain Ginyu Saga | Frieza Saga | Garlic Jr Saga | Cell Saga | Super Saiyanman/World Tournament | Babidi/Buu Saga


Super Saiyanman/Worl Tournament
Episodes: 180-204
Other World Tournament
In the beginning of this saga, Goku participates in the Other World Tournament, a tournament being held in honor of King Kai. The winner will receive a private lesson from the Grand Kai himself. An incredible array of awesome fighters participate, but it all boils down to the final match between
Goku and Pikkon.
Neither Pikkon nor Goku have revealed their true power yet. Pikkon takes off his weighted clothing used for training. Goku turns Super Saiyan. The crowds watch in amazement as the tournament progresses. Pikkon has great speed. Goku unleashes the Kamehameha. Pikkon responds with a Hyper Tornado Attack. Then Goku throws a Kaio Ken followed by another Kamehameha. Pikkon does a Thunder Flash. Pikkon is out of the ring!!! Goku is declared winner!!!
But both Goku and Pikkon have broken a rule. Both are disqualified. They touched the ceiling of the stadium. Both fought well and are told they will receive personalized trainingin 200-300 years.
Mysterious Gohan
Attending Orange Star High School, playing baseball and discovering girls, Gohan appears to be a normal teenagerexcept for one important difference...he is the Great Saiyaman. Not wishing to bring attention to himself and his family, Gohan dons a disguise with a touch of a button before performing heroic acts like saving an airplane full of people. He pushes a button on his Transformation Band, which looks like a watch, to change into his Great Saiyaman disguise.
But all are not content to let the Great Saiyaman keep his identity a secret. Among others, Hercules daughter Videl wishes to unmask the Great Saiyaman. As the daughter of the famous Hercule and an awesome fighter in her own right, she is often called by the police to help protect the peace. Thus she often runs into the Great Saiyaman as he too is often helping out in time of crisis.
Videl discovers the Great Saiyamans identity and threatens to tell the others if he does not participate in the upcoming World Martial Arts Tournament. Her father Hercule won the last championship. Gohans father Goku had also won previously. Videl wants the son and daughter of two previous world championships to compete.
Reluctantly Gohan agrees and alters the disguise of the Great Saiyaman so that he can compete. No armor of any kind is allowed so Gohan replaces his helmet with a scarf and sunglasses.
Gohan and Videl are not the only participants. The promise of prize money to the winners and the challenge of battling against the great fighters of the world attracts many of the Z fighters including Goku (who gets a leave to come back from the Other World to participate in the tournament), Krillin along with his wife Android 18, Vegeta, Piccolo, even Goten and Trunksand the last World Champion Hercule.
 All the Z fighters pass the qualifying round for the World Martial Arts Tournament. The Tournament is about to begin with the Junior Division for those 15 years and younger. 35 youths will participate with the winner receiving a monetary reward and a lesson from Hercule.
Our heroes are amazing fighters. 8 year old Trunks wins over 15 year old Idasa in the 9th match. 7 year old Goten wins over 14 year old Ikose in the 16th bout. The final round will be Goten versus Trunks. As the battle progresses, they both turn Super Saiyan something they had previously agreed not to do. The match is incredible with Trunks emerging as the winner.
But Hercule is worried. How can he possibly get in the ring to give a lesson with a fighter this strong? He saves face by appearing like he lets the Young Trunks win on purpose.
Now what we all have been waiting forits time for the adults to fight. The World Martial Arts Tournament begins! Krillin easily wins the first match. Next its Piccolo against Mr. Shin (the Supreme Kai in disguise). Piccolo unexpectedly forfeits. Videl fights against Spopovitch but something strange is happening. He is fighting with power not his own. Videl loses the match.
As the match proceeds, Gohans identity is revealed. He powers up to Super Saiyan levels to fight Spopovitch who steals Gohans power and escapes with Yamu. The Z fighters race after him while the story of Bibidi, Babidi and Buu is revealed.