DBZ Summary
Cell Saga


DBZ Episode List | Namek/Captain Ginyu Saga | Frieza Saga | Garlic Jr Saga | Cell Saga | Super Saiyanman/World Tournament | Babidi/Buu Saga


Cell Saga
Episodes: 125-179
Mysterious Clues
As Trunks, Krillin, and Bulma search the strange wreckage of the second time capsule they discover the eerie shell of large, locust-like creature. Whatever was in the capsule is obviously something like they've never seen before. Meanwhile, in the quiet metropolis of Gingertown, an evil such as the world has never seen has arrived. In the wake of this mysterious insect-looking monster, a haunting silence is all that remains of the townspeople.
Desperate Measures
Piccolo, realizing the severity of the danger, convinces Kami of the need to combine their forces. Irreversibly uniting together, the two fuse into one being a Super Namek! But by doing so, the earth's Dragon Balls are gone forever.
Piccolo, now strengthened by his fusion with Kami, confronts the hideous beast in Gingertown and discovers his horrible secret. This beast viciously sucks the life force from humans, using their energy to fuel his own being! The monster is known as Cell, and is the ultimate evil creation of Dr. Gero. Created through synthesizing cells from all the great fighters into a single computer-enhanced android he has the strength and abilities of all the great fighters including Goku, Frieza, Vegeta, Gohan and many others. In their conflict, Cell destroys entire armies without effort, and manages to severely injure Piccolo's arm. But Piccolo is a Namek, and cleverly stalls Cell long enough to regenerate his arm. As Krillin and Trunks arrive to back Piccolo up in battle, Cell decides to withdraw for the moment and pursue his primary goal to absorb Androids 17 and 18!
Training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber
While Cell has the power and abilities of all of the great fighters, his ultimate form will not be available until he can absorb Androids 17 and 18. In doing this he will truly be without equal. For this reason he must find Androids 17 and 18. The two Androids, travelling with Android 16, are intent on destroying Goku as they were programmed to do. But now Goku is back on his feet he comes up with a clever plan of his own. To save the world he, Gohan, Trunks and Vegeta will go to Kami's Lookout. There is a room there known as the Hyperbolic Time Chamber where time bends, allowing a year's worth of training in only a day.
Hold on Guys!
As the Androids arrive looking for Goku, it is up to Piccolo, the Super Namek, to hold them at bay. And it appears his newly acquired skills will be enough to do so. But just as he seems capable of bringing the menacing duo down a new peril appears on the battlefield. It's Cell! With Earth's greatest hope still training, Piccolo makes the decision to stop Cell from fulfilling his evil plan. But even Piccolo can't stop this creature. It appears all hope is lost when an unlikely ally arrives
Android 16 takes up the Challenge!
The silent giant, Android 16, boldly walks on to the battlefield and makes a bold claim. He is just as strong as Cell! And in an instant it appears he's telling the truth, as he pelts Cell with a blur of intense blows. But Cell is devious, and through some crafty trickery manages to sneak up on the unsuspecting Android 17 and absorb him. Now Cell is transformed and the tables have turned.
 Vegeta has the upper hand in the battle with Cell, but his pride will be his downfall. Cell throws down an irresistible challenge to Vegetaallow Cell to absorb 18 and become complete and then fight Cell in the ultimate challenge. Despite Trunks warnings, Vegeta falls for it.
Android 18 should have been deactivated by then, but Krillin is starting to fall in love with Android 18 and does not deactivate her. Instead she ends up being absorbed by Cell who becomes Perfect.
Goku and Gohan continue to train. Vegeta picks up the challenge of fighting Perfect Cell only to be defeated. Trunks jumps in to give Krillin a chance to rescue Vegeta. Trunks has amazing powerstrength beyond the strength of Cell. But it takes more than strength to win a battle. He has traded speed for power and cannot catch his enemy. Cell defeats Trunks but gives our heroes another chance. Cell is going to host a World Martial Arts Tournament in 10 days where he will fight each of earths warriors, including Goku.
 Cell calls a World Martial Arts Tournament, I am Cell! I have a message for all the people of earth! Ive decided to hold a martial arts tournament. Im calling the competition, The Cell Games. Bring me your best fighters and I will face them one by one in a contest of strength. This is the last chance for Planet Earth. If I am not defeated, it belongs to me!
The future of the Earth is at stake, but fortunately the Z Fighters have been training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Even with the enhanced training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, do they stand a chance against Cell in his perfect form?
Cell dispenses with the first contestants with ease. Goku chooses to fight next. He knows how strong Cell is, one slip and the contest is over.
Goku and Cell both radiate with energy. For a while, the fight looks even. Then Cell unleashes a series of attacks including Krillins Destructo Disk and Tiens move where Cell separates into four separate beings. King Kai quickly realizes, No, that is not Krillins move. Thats the last technique Frieza used against Goku! And if Cell feels he cannot win, he may destroy Planet Earth just as Frieza destroyed Planet Namek! Cell gathers all of his energy to launch a huge attack that would surely destroy earth.