DBZ Summary
Garlic Jr Saga


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Garlic Jr. Saga
Episodes: 93 - 102  
The Z fighters are back on Earth, and Goku reportedly has survived Namek's explosion and is on his way home. Things are peaceful and then trouble arrives. Garlic Jr. has amazingly escaped the Dead Zone, where he has been trapped. Now he and his henchmen the Spice Boys (Vinegar, Mustard, Spice, and Salt) plan to eliminate Kami, the originator of the Earth's Dragon Balls. Garlic Jr. arrives on Kami's Lookout and entraps both Kami and his assistant, Mr. Popo in small glass bottles. With the guardian of Earth trapped, Garlic Jr. releases the "Blackwater Mist" which, when breathed in, causes people to turn into evil beings. As Garlic Jr. releases the Blackwater Mist over the land, people begin to change. They come totally under the spell of Garlic Jr. and his henchmen.
Gohan, Krillin and Maron (Krillin's new girlfriend) were swimming in the ocean as the mist descends, and consequently escaped the bad effects of the mist. However, the rest of the Dragon Ball Z gang who are on Master Roshi's island are not so lucky. Master Roshi, Chi-Chi, Yamcha, Puar, Oolong and Bulma all fall prey to Garlic Jr.'s evil plan and are transformed. A battle ensues between those transformed and those who managed to escape the mist. Maron, Krillin and Gohan are seriously outnumbered, and things look grim.
How can Earth survive?
Fortunately Piccolo comes to help. As Piccolo holds off the attackers, he instructs Krillin and Gohan to take off and retrieve the Sacred Water. Only the Sacred Water can reverse the evil effects of the Blackwater Mist. Maron also insists on going, despite Krillin's strong objections. Krillin, Gohan and Maron first stop at Korin's Tower, leaving Yajirobe and Korin to look after Maron. Afterwards they go to Kami's Lookout. Here they are ambushed by Garlic Jr. and his henchmen, the Spice Boys. Joining Garlic Jr.'s evil entourage is Piccolo, who appears to have been transformed into a monster. As the battle rages between the two groups, Piccolo surprises everyone. He had only been pretending to be a savage monster. As a result, he breaks the bottles holding Kami and Mr. Popo, setting them free.
Kami sets out with Mr. Popo to retrieve the Sacred Water, but to do so they'll have to cross the Graveyard of Guardians, where all the previous guardians of Earth reside. The trip is very perilous but together they manage to retrieve the Sacred Water. Upon releasing the Sacred Water, the Earthlings revert to normal. Garlic Jr. transforms into a raging beast and all looks grim because Garlic Jr. is immortal. He is eventually trapped once again in the Dead Zone Vortex.
Krillin announces that he and his girlfriend, Maron are almost engaged. In order to make her happy he decides to get a Mermaid's Tear (pearl). However, upon seeing the pearl, Krillin changes his mind and leaves the pearl to the nice fish who are protecting it. Maron (who is always quick to flirt with others) sees a handsome hunk in a sports car and takes off with him. Heartbroken, Krillin convinces himself it was for the best anyway. During this saga, Goku is still on his way back from Namek on the spaceship.